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Fragebogen damals & heute

Zur Feier des 5. Jahrestages der Fanclubgründung haben wir Limahl gebeten, einen Fragebogen auszufüllen. Das Besondere daran ist, dass er die gleichen Fragen bereits im Jahre 1983 beantwortet hat. Uns hat interessiert, was sich in 26 Jahren verändert hat. Um die Originalität der Antworten zu erhalten, haben wir diesmal auf eine Übersetzung verzichtet. Seht selbst ...

1. Womit hast du als Kind am liebsten gespielt? Eisenbahn, Schallplatten A small 'snooker' table which I constantly played with my brothers AND 'Monopoly'.
2. Wer war das Idol deiner Teenagerzeit? Elvis My first idols were Grace Jones, Kate Bush, David Bowie.
3. Dein Lieblingstier? Hund I like many animals but my favourite is probably a Giraffe - I often see them at London Zoo when I'm cycling by - they are so tall and elegant AND they are vegetarian like me. ;-)
4. Deine Leibspeise? Vegetarische Kost Tofu with boiled rice and vegetables followed by apple crumble and custard
5. Dein Lieblingsgetränk? Orangensaft Mixed juice, mango, pineapple, carrot, orange
6. Welche drei Dinge oder Personen würdest du auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen? (Nahrung ist vorhanden) Stereoanlage, Geliebte, Badehose iPod, chocolate, sun cream
7. Wo möchtest du leben? New York London of course
8. Dein schönster Urlaubsort? Florida, Paris, New York, Cornwall I still love Las Vegas for all the Glitz and Glamour.
9. Was sammelst du? Erfahrungen Anecdotes and stories about life
10. Die erste und letzte selbstgekaufte Schallplatte/CD? Eine Soul-Platte/Culture Club

First single was called 'Yellow River' by british band 'Christie' which was no'1 in 1970 - the last I bought was the original soundtrack to 'Sweeny Todd' movie with music by the amazing Stephen Sondheim.

11. Welche Musik hörst du gern privat? z.B. Bowie, Eurythmics, Duran Duran, Thompson Twins, Level 42

I like so many things it's really hard to name only one. I still have a huge soft spot for 'Motown' and 'TSOP' (The sound of Philadelphia) record label.

12. Wieviel Geld hast du im Augenblick in der Tache? 75 Mark £112.60p
13. Welche lebende Person würdest du gerne kennenlernen? Roger Moore Barack Obama of course
14. Welche historische Figur bewunderst du? Jesus

So many - I would like to have met movie star 'Mae West' - her quotes are so famous and funny. 'Oscar Wilde' too would be interesting to talk to.

15. Bei welchem Ereignis wärst du gerne dabei gewesen? Bei einem Beatles Konzert Abba concert in London in 1979
16. Welche menschliche Leistung imponiert dir am meisten? Der Glaube an Gott

The man who discovered the internet but gave it away for free with no money or royalties. This has changed the world and I benefit from it every day in so many ways ......

17. Welche Eigenschaft verabscheust du besonders? Haß Rudeness / hatred / arrogance
18. Welche Eigenschaft bewunderst du besonders? Liebe Compassion / love / the ability to make people smile
19. Welche Kunstfertigkeit würdest du gerne beherrschen? Malerei

I don't like wishing for more - I have already been given so many good things in life - I'm happy with my singing ability.

20. Welches Statussymbol gibt dir etwas? -- My hair of course
21. Warst du schon einmal dem Tod nahe? Ich glaube, Leben und Tod liegen sehr nah nebeneinander, so dass man permanent mit dem Tod konfrontiert ist. Yes several times. I was once on a plane returning from america in the early 80's and just before the plane was about to land and I was expecting the small bump as the wheels normally touch the floor, suddenly the engines went into full throttle again and the plane took off. Only after we eventually landed safely did I discover that the wheels were apparently NOT down. The plane would have probably exploded or broken apart. Maybe I would have survived BUT I'm glad I didn't have to find out.
Another time when I crossed the road without looking properly and as I stepped off the kerb, a motorcycle literally whizzed past the front of my face and almost touched it. I realised immediately that 2 seconds more and I would have been almost certainly killed or seriously injured cause the motorcycle was travelling very fast.
22. Glaubst du an Gott? Ja

I'd like to but I just can't see any evidence of his existence. I'm not sure that there is a plan by some super species - it's all possibly one big accident. Scary eh !

23. Gibt es eine Liebesgeschichte in Literatur oder Fim, die dir sehr nahe gegangen ist? Die blaue Lagune

So many great love stories affected and inspired me ;-) I'm a HUGE Meryl Streep fan and I really adored the movie 'Falling in love' with Robert Di Niro (1984).

24. Wie lange dauerte deine bisher kürzeste/längste Liebesaffäre? 3 Jahre

Two weeks. A person told me they loved me then 2 weeks later phones up and said they had met someone else lol !! I was hurt for about 1 week.

25. Liebe ist ... Gott Sexual and emotional chemistry which depending on your circumstances can become deep and long lasting.
26. Mit welcher Person aus Dallas oder Denver kannst du dich am ehesten identifizieren? Joan Collins I adored Joan Collins for her bitchy character and over the top costumes BUT I can't say I identified with her. Did anyone identify with Dallas or Dynasty - we all enjoyed seeing ruper rich people being sad and miserable like the rest of us. The only difference was, they were miserable in luxury.
27. Die ideale Wohnung/Haus? Ein geräumiges Haus in London Overlooking a lake/river or sea BUT in a bustling town/city with lots of people to watch and culture to do. London offers all these wonderful things. My apartment is on the 10th floor overlooking the whole city skyline - and I'm also round the corner from the royal parks which are kept beautiful by the full time gardeners.
28. Was magst du gar nicht an dir? Meine Größe I analyse things too much nowadays .....
29. Was gefällt dir an dir am besten? Meine Nasenlöcher

My emotional survival mechanism - always looking for the positives in life to help me through each week.....the news is always bad so we need this more and more

30. Worüber kannst du lachen? Über Witze Jokes - I love to laugh, it's the best medicine ;-) xx
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